
October 2020 Update

October 2020 Update

Construction Update

As I am sure you are all aware from visiting the playing field, our construction works are going very well indeed. Even through hard times this year due to the Covid pandemic, we have progressed forward without delay. With rigorous safety planning, early ordering of materials..

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Village Jumble Trail

Village Jumble Trail

Jumble Trail Map
Sunday 05/07/2020 12:00 – 16:00Thanks for coming! We raised nearly £500 for The Hub.Stay in contact for future events https://www.facebook.com/BishopsHullHub


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March 2020 Project Update

March 2020 Project Update

Planning Application

Planning Application approved on 7/10/ 2019
Conditions to be discharged before commencement of work on site in progress
Planning application for non-material amendments to scheme, for revised siteworks and porch, submitted in February and approved on 4/3/2020


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The Hub Village Appeal

The Hub Village Appeal

Bishops Hull is a great place to live and we want to make sure we all feel part of it. Having access to a central facility to meet is an important part of this.
Bishops Hull is a great place to live and we want to make sure we all feel part of it. Having access to a central facility to meet..

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Project Updates, 0 comments
January 2020 Update

January 2020 Update

Quick Summary

All planning details in hand, good progress on all aspects.
Progress, is being made with the lease, although the legal side has been slower than anticipated.
 Revised construction costs remain in line with previous estimates, after taking into account the cost..

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Project Updates, 0 comments
Planning Permission Granted

Planning Permission Granted

Planning has been granted
Over the past months and years, our wide team has put in a tremendous amount of work to progress this project to build a community hub in Bishops Hull. On the 7th October we achieved a significant mile stone in being granted planning permission from Somerset West and..

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Project Updates, 0 comments
Bishops Hull Hub Update September 2019

Bishops Hull Hub Update September 2019

Progress on new Planning Application

Planning Application submitted on 9th August, with decision date scheduled for 7th October. Ref 05/19/0033. No objections received to date.
The application has been made in the name of Bishops Hull Parish Council with the Bishops Hull Hub acting..

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, Project Updates, 0 comments
Farm Day – Hub Cafe

Farm Day – Hub Cafe

Our usual HUB cafe but this month we will be relocating at the local dairy farm, ‘Newley Farm’ where the Venn family have kindly agreed to run tours so we can see the cows and how the milk is made. Perfect for kids old and young! We will have our usual teas, coffees and cakes too of course.#

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments
Hub Update on Lease

Hub Update on Lease

Please see below for an update on our position with the church and the lease of it’s land. This is a joint statement from both the Church and ourselves. We are currently in the process of finding a new site for our centre and hope to bring you more news on this very soon so please keep checking..

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Tim Peake in space (Sold out online)

Tim Peake in space (Sold out online)

Saturday, 12 January 2019 from 10:00-12:00
The Village Hall, Bishops Hull Primary School, Bishops Hull, TA1 5EB

Leading space expert and former Columbus mission-controller Libby Jackson is coming to Taunton to tell us all about Tim Peake’s..

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments