Fundraising Updates

Village Jumble Trail

Village Jumble Trail

Jumble Trail Map

Sunday 05/07/2020 12:00 – 16:00

Thanks for coming! We raised nearly £500 for The Hub.

Stay in contact for future events

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Bishops Hull Hub Update September 2019

Bishops Hull Hub Update September 2019

Progress on new Planning Application

  • Planning Application submitted on 9th August, with decision date scheduled for 7th October. Ref 05/19/0033. No objections received to date.
  • The application has been made in the name of Bishops Hull Parish Council with the Bishops Hull Hub acting as Agents.

Progress on construction Drawings / Specification / Tender

  • The Architects have been appointed to revise the construction drawings and specification, in order to submit a Building Regulations application and to obtain a revised tender from the lowest previous tenderer, R&J Sweet.
  • The lottery has confirmed that a revised tender will be acceptable for the new site provided it is not  significantly different to the original tender figure. If the cost is significantly higher then they will require two additional tenders for comparison.

Bishops Hull Hub and Trust Sub-Group Update on Lease

  • SW&TC intend to prepare a new 99 year head lease between the Village Hall and playing Field Trust and the Council which will include the provision of a sub lease between the VH&PFT and Bishops Hull Hub to enable the new Hub to be constructed and managed by the BH Hub Trust, with the sub lease generally having the same conditions as the new head lease, except the sub lease has to be for 3 years less, ie 97 years. Both leases will be for a peppercorn rent if requested.
  • The Council’s Solicitor will draw up the draft head Lease and send it to the VH&PFT, and to the Hub’s Solicitor, Nick Francombe, so that he can comment on the lease and  draw up the sub lease accordingly.
  • SW&TC will require the BH Hub to meet the Council’s legal costs up to a maximum of £1500 and we will also have to meet the legal costs of our Solicitor. Our Solicitor will also be required to register both the head lease and the sub-lease at the land registry and to close and remove the surrendered lease form the council’s title (number ST287660).
  • The Lottery fund legal team have confirmed they are willing to accept the sub lease, in respect of our application, if successful, but will obviously need to see the sub lease details in draft form before they can give a clear go ahead.

Construction Costs

  • The lowest tender figure received for the previous scheme from R&J Sweet has been taken as the base figure for the new proposals, approx. £420,000, including a 5% contingency. It is intended to negotiate a revised figure to include the following revisions:
  1. Revisions to materials to match existing adjoining buildings, Brick walls and profiled concrete tiles to roof.
  2. Provision of a10Kw array of photo-voltaic panels on the southern roof slope.
  3. New foundation details and diversion of existing sewer crossing site.
  4. New siteworks details including provision of new footpath from Bishops hull Hill to the Hub building, paved area and retaining walls adjoining building and relocation of cricket nets.
  • The proposed new fenced parking area has been separated from the building construction costs as this is on SCC owned land and will be subject to separate grant funding with applications to be made jointly by the BH Hub and the VH&PF Trust
  • The revised costs cannot be determined until the revised construction drawings and specification have been completed, scheduled to commence when the planning application has been submitted. To be completed prior to receipt of planning approval.
  • The base figure of £420,000 does not include any additional savings that we may be able to make on materials from local suppliers or allow for any voluntary labour during the construction, which cannot be determined until our Contractor has been appointed.
  • The Lottery have confirmed that they will accept a renegotiated tender figure without going to tender again, as long as the figure is not significantly different from the original lowest tender figure. If it is significantly higher then we will be required to obtain two additional tenders.

    Construction Funding and Grant Applications

  • Currently the Hub has secured £273,000 from Section 106 and CIL funds, which is sufficient to construct the external building shell.
  • The Hub currently has the following applications in progress:
  1. National Lottery reaching communities fund – £75,000. In final stages and scheduled
    to be considered by lottery panel on 3rd October, after which we will have a decision,
    which will be subject to confirmation of planning approval and submission of the final
    technical details and project cost.
  2. Bishop Foxes Educational Foundation -£30,000. A presentation of the revised
    proposals by the Hub to be made to the foundation panel on 16th September 2019.
    Report to follow.
  3. Garfield Weston Fund. – £20,000. Revised application by Community Council for Somerset (CCS), has to be submitted with planning approval, after 7/10.
  4. Bernard Sunley Fund – £15,000. Currently being prepared by CCS, has to be submitted with planning approval, after 7/10.
  5. Gannett Foundation – £7,500. Application to be submitted with planning approval
    after 7/10. Last date for submission 18/10/2019
  6. Elm grant Trust – £5,000 – Application by CCS pending
  7. Adrian Swire charitable Trust – £10,000 – application by CCS pending
  • We are also investigating possible grants for renewable energy with SW&TC and through CCS with the rural Community Energy Fund. Awaiting information.

Professional Fees

  • The Parish Council’s contribution towards the cost of professional fees has ensured that all costs are now covered for the submission of the new planning application, the revision of the construction drawings / specification, the negotiation of the revised construction cost and the provision of a new lease for the playing field site, allowing a start to be made on site when all matters are resolved.
  • Our fee schedule has been revised to update estimated fees where confirmed and to include an allowance for the preparation of the more complex head lease and sub lease arrangements. See attached revised schedule. Fees remain within our cost allowance.


  • To counter any shortfall in grant funding for the construction, we continue to run the Hub Café and hold fundraising events and to seek to donations to finance the Hub project. Recent fundraising events include a family quiz and the apple day scheduled for October.
  • Our continuing “Buy a Brick” initiative is gaining momentum and we would like to thank everyone who has contributed, however, we envisage that the start of work on site will encourage further donations to the scheme. Our total for bricks purchased / promised is currently £2,000.
Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, Project Updates, 0 comments
Farm Day – Hub Cafe

Farm Day – Hub Cafe

Our usual HUB cafe but this month we will be relocating at the local dairy farm, ‘Newley Farm’ where the Venn family have kindly agreed to run tours so we can see the cows and how the milk is made. Perfect for kids old and young! We will have our usual teas, coffees and cakes too of course.#
See the Facebook event for more details:

We will also be available to discuss the new location of the Hub to the playing field so please bring your thoughts and questions along.

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments
Tim Peake in space (Sold out online)

Tim Peake in space (Sold out online)


Saturday, 12 January 2019 from 10:00-12:00
The Village Hall, Bishops Hull Primary School, Bishops Hull, TA1 5EB

Leading space expert and former Columbus mission-controller Libby Jackson is coming to Taunton to tell us all about Tim Peake’s time in space and the science experiments he did on the ISS.

Details and updates on our Facebook:

This is a family-friendly event (the talk is suitable for age 4 upwards) and is being hosted by The Hub Cafe in Bishops Hull. Join us for the first half when Libby will give us the low-down on Tim Peake in space, and then take the opportunity to talk to her yourself about space or how to have a career in space. All whilst enjoying a cup of fair-trade coffee and tasty cake!

There will also be an opportunity for you to purchase her hugely popular book ‘A Galaxy of her Own’, an inspirational book about women who made space travel possible.

All profits go towards the rebuilding of the Bishops Hull community hall. Tickets can be purchased in advance via our donation page Please email or message us on Facebook us with details of your name and ticket numbers.

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments
Buy a Brick

Buy a Brick

Be Part of Our Funding

The fundraising for the new Bishops Hull Hub is going well having secured funding through grants and other fundraising totalling £273,000.

We still need to raise a further £150,000 before we can start building which we hope will be in Autumn 2019.

You could be a permanent part of this exciting project by having a brick engraved.
Buy a brick

    • for yourself
    • as a gift for a friend or loved one
    • club together as a group or family
    • memorial/anniversary/celebration etc
    • or pay in instalments
£100 donation for a brick with two lines of up to 16 characters each to be part of a specially designed walkway or as a part of the new entrance foyer.
Add 25% extra free through Gift Aid by signing a Gift Aid form.

Please fill in the form and make a payment through one of the suggested methods.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to e-mail or visit our web site or social media pages.

Download a leaflet here for donation form

Donate here directly using PayPal

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments
Bishops Hull Easter Egg Hunt

Bishops Hull Easter Egg Hunt

30th March 2018

Bishops Hull Church Hall 2:30-4:30

Our Fundraising team are putting together a fantastic easter egg hunt around the bishops hull playing field and the school. The hunt headquarters will be the church hall where we will be selling entry slips for £1 each.

There will also be cake, crafts, raffle, games, tea and coffee… plenty to keep all the family entertained!Everyone welcome, whether you are socialising or hunting, please come and support this event which is helping to raise funds for the Bishops Hull Hub. 

Posted by Bishops Hull Hub in Fundraising Updates, 0 comments