Planning Application
- Planning Application approved on 7/10/ 2019
- Conditions to be discharged before commencement of work on site in progress
- Planning application for non-material amendments to scheme, for revised siteworks and porch, submitted in February and approved on 4/3/2020
Construction Drawings / Specification
All drawings and specification complete. Currently waiting for quotations for Building regulation application approval, including, application fee, inspection charges, energy calculations and air permeability testing.
Bishops Hull Hub and Trust Sub-Group Update on Lease
- The draft sub-lease has been completed and sent to the VH&PFT and SW&TC Solicitor. Waiting for final versions of head and sub lease to be issued for signing.
Construction Costs and Programme
- The agreed contract sum, (with savings) is £452,556.74, including 5% contingency.
- The Contractor will be appointed under a standard form of building contract on the basis of the tender figure of £473,042.74, based on the Contract Drawings, and an Architects Instruction will be issued to omit the various agreed savings to reduce the contract figure to £452,556.74.
- Our Architect has been asked to advise on the most suitable form of standard building contract, to include contractor design as there are sub-contractor design elements, including heating and ventilation, electrical installation and steel frame design.
- The possible construction programme agreed in principle with R&J Sweet is for the Hub project to start on site in May 2020, with completion in February 2021. The VH&PFT’s preferred date for work to commence is after 28/05/2020, although a compound could be fenced off prior to this date.
- In addition to the construction costs we will have to fund the professional fees for the administration of the building contract, which have been quoted by our Architects as £10,000. This gives a total project cost of £462,556.74, rounded up to £462,557.00
Funding and Grant Applications
- Current secured funding is now as follows
- Section 106 fund – £236,755.00.
- CIL fund £50,000.00
- Garfield Weston Foundation. Approved Grant £15,000.00
- Fairfield Trust. Approved Grant £10,000.00
- Lottery Reaching Communities. Grant offer of £95,000.00 (towards construction)*
- Current Hub funds (fundraising, donations and Buy A Brick) – £8,500.00
Total secured fund of £415,255.00.
This leaves a total of £47,302.00 remaining to be secured through grant funding, the Village Appeal or a PC Public Works Loan.
Applications remaining in progress are:
- Bernard Sunley Fund – £15,000. Awaiting decision March / April
- Foyle Foundation – £10,000. Awaiting decision April /May
- Norman Family Trust – £5,000. Awaiting decision March
- Wessex Water Community Fund – £1,500. Awaiting decision March
- Waitrose and Tesco funds (One stop declined) – £2,300. Applications submitted
Total – £33,800.00
*Note: the lottery offer also provides a separate fund of £18,000 for equipment and £3,080 towards start up revenue funding.
Additional Fundraising
- Village Appeal leaflet delivered to all village properties and a thermometer displayed on the village notice board, adjoining the play area, which will be updated as funds are secured.
- We also continue to hold fundraising events, which will include a variety of village based activities and the regular Hub Café.
- As current grant applications and funds from the Appeal cannot be guaranteed, our backup plan remains for the Parish Council to obtain a Public Works loan to cover the possible shortfall in grant funding. Amount reduced to max £50,000.00
- As a condition of the lottery grant we will need to confirm that all our funding is in place and consequently would request that the loan is secured in principle, with any income received from remaining grants and the Appeal, up to commencement of the project, being set against the loan to reduce the amount drawn down.
Professional Fees
- Our fee schedule has been revised to update estimated fees where confirmed and to include an allowance for the preparation of the more complex head lease and sub lease arrangements. All pre contract professional fees currently remain within our cost allowance.