Update in Bishops Hull News Letter October 2017:
The plans to replace the existing church hall with a community facility – The Bishops Hull Hub – are well underway as the revised drawings from the appointed architects have now been submitted to Taunton Deane Borough Council to begin consultations. The public feedback we received from the open day has helped greatly in ensuring that the facility meets the needs of the community and complements the existing resources within the village. For example, Badminton is already available in the village hall and therefore it is not necessary to replicate this in the Hub.
The main changes we have made to the original drawings shown on the open day are:
- Provision of a larger kitchen with direct access to the hall through a wider servery counter.
- Provision of baby changing facilities in larger unisex disability access toilet.
- Increase in length of hall to 15M to maximise the variety of sporting activities that can be accommodated, including soft ball tennis.
- Provision of a stairway from the entrance lobby to give access to the large loft space above the entrance foyer / kitchen and wc facilities area.
- Use of loft space to provide a first floor function room (approx 5.7M x 5.6M) with rooflight glazing.
- Provision of viewing gallery with glazed screen in first floor function room to overlook main hall.
In addition to the changes to the building the Project Architects have been instructed to investigate the possibility of lowering the car park area to provide level access to both the new hall and the church.This will maximise parking provision and enable the area to be utilised as a multi-functional space within the village for special events. It also provides the opportunity to consider the widening of the narrow footpath along the carpark frontage to provide a better and safer access to the new hall, church and bus stop.
For images or the facebook page ‘Bishops Hull Hub’.
In other news, we are pleased to be working closely with the Parish council who have written an open letter of support for our project and we hope to continue to work closely with them on the project as it progresses. We also want to extend our thanks to the members of the church who have kindly donated towards our project; this has been very gratefully received and has allowed the project the get underway and start the planning process.
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