Bishops Hull is a great place to live and we want to make sure we all feel part of it. Having access to a central facility to meet is an important part of this.
Bishops Hull is a great place to live and we want to make sure we all feel part of it. Having access to a central facility to meet is an important part of this.
The Church Hall, due to planning restrictions, must be taken down this year and so the village has taken on the project to build the Bishops Hull Hub. A voluntary group of local residents met in March 2017 and formed the charity Bishops Hull Hub Ltd to undertake the tasks of planning and fund-raising for the construction of a new community facility. The final design took into account the 2015 Parish Council village survey and the public open day in July 2017. The Bishops Hull Village Hall and Playing Field Trust have supported the venture and have liaised with the relevant councils to enable the Hub to be located beside the Playing Fields Pavilion and the build must commence in 2020 for us to meet grant requirements. The Hub will cater for a range of community activities for all ages and provide a place for people to get together, learn, make friends and connections, have fun and most importantly build our community and improve the quality of our lives. A footpath will lead from the new parking area (16 parking spaces) to the Hub.
There will be a welcoming foyer with accessible toilets, a large Hall (sprung floor) measuring 15m x 8.5m which will seat 85 and a large kitchen with purpose built catering facilities. The social benefits of the events run at the Hub cannot be underestimated for the sustainability and integration of our community, both for the increasing number of families moving into the area and the growing elderly population who need social interaction to prolong physical and mental wellbeing. This comes in the form of attending events but also in allowing residents the opportunity to volunteer and add value to our village. We envisage that the new facility will become a central meeting place, where information can be made available on village activities and on wider social issues to encourage the formation of self-help groups who will be able to use the hall. We have already been approached by several organisations who could use the Hub to help address local issues of loneliness within our community.
How much will it cost? Building costs £460,000 Professional fees (legal & planning) £36,000 What we need to raise:
We have already raised £336,000 through fund raising, personal donations, contributions by the Parish Council and grants.
We hope to raise a further £75,000 through outstanding grant applications.
We need to raise £75,000 through our Village Appeal by May 2020 to commence the build
We are asking our local community to work together and support The Hub.
Just attending one of our events will help towards
our fund-raising activities.
BISHOPS HULL APPEAL Please let us know how you could help and we will get in contact.
Or you can donate directly via the Bank Account: Bishops Hull Hub Ltd, 77-68-05 04969060
Buy a Brick – A £100 donation will buy you a personalised brick within the build.
I/We would like to organise a fundraising event – Get in Contact Let your imagination run riot – maybe a plant sale, an abseil, a jumble sale or a coffee morning. Please let us have your ideas and how you would help.
Local businesses Can you help with the build, decoration or furnishing of the hall or can you help sponsor an event.