Bishops Hull Hub 100 Club

A great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter!

 Here’s how it works…

You buy a membership number @ £2 per month, which enters you into the monthly draw for a year. You can buy as many numbers as you want (must be over 16 years old).

The draw will take place on the first Saturday of each month and the prize money will be 35% of the membership fee taken that month.  Based on 100 numbers sold the prize money would be:

  • First Prize – £40
  • Second Prize – £20
  • Third Prize – £10

The remaining funds go towards paying for equipment, maintenance and repaying the loans for the build.

To buy one or more numbers, please email and we will send the details to apply.
or complete the form here and follow the instructions

Join our 100 club today and you could be our next winner!